Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Advice on Lock down by Dr. Emanuel Pieris

Dr, Emmanuel Pieris
Lock down and social distancing are not the perfect time to gather with loved ones sharing stories that ignite laughter and good cheer. I know that engaging in these precious moments with family and friends was not only enjoyable, but it’s also beneficial to our health. When we spend time with family and friends we find healthier ways to cope with stress. Especially older adults with larger social networks have good episodic memory, better cognitive functions.The emotional support provided by social ties enhances our psychological well-being.The sense of discomfort we might face during the COVID-19 response could be grieving the loss of your loved one, job, financial stability, or confinement for a long period of time. When coping with a traumatic experience, it’s important to take care of yourself, your health, and your family. While physical distancing is necessary right now, you can still stay connected socially through video chats, phone calls, emails, and texts. Just as you may need to share your feelings, do your best to listen when others share their concerns. Sleep, exercise, nutrition, and stress management practices are all essential to cope with unavoidable circumstances Cut tasks into smaller pieces to help you manage the day-to-day. Maybe start your day with meditation or go for a walk if possible into nature.Do something where you are putting in productive energy, like gardening. Being outdoors getting up close and personal with mother nature is fun, but even more importantly, it’s good for the brain, body, and soul and for the immune system. immune function. Scientists think that breathing in the chemical phytoncides produced by plants into the air that seem to boost immune function. by increasing, our levels of white blood cells, helping us fight off infections and diseases. In times of lockdown, it is good to read books that will benefit both your physical and mental health, and those benefits can last a lifetime Reading increases your ability to empathize, helps to prevent age-related cognitive decline, and keeps your mind engaged, It reduces stress and helps alleviate depression symptoms. It also prepares you for a good night’s rest and may even help you live longer TV and the internet is not only entertainment.but can also be a wonderful source of information, knowledge, and learning. It helps you with connectivity, communication, and sharing. facilities Collaboration, work from home, and access to a global workforce as well as banking, and shopping. If you enjoy crossword puzzles and Soduku then play Sudoku and Crossword because research now shows that there are mental benefits to fill in the correct numbers and letters in the blocked grids of Sudoku and crossword puzzles and it also keeps you occupied if you feel bored. Stay safe and God bless -Have a nice

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